Remember that write-up I'd promised to do on Dunamis? Well, I still plan to do it. I actually spoke to him shortly after I arrived, just to inquire about his plans, what he's busy with, and the KOL Mixtape which shall be dropping in the near future. Big tings a gwaan, that's all I'm saying. He's even managed to shoot a second video for his debut album Mastered seed. The video, which features Glory, si called Time has come. Word on the streets is that it's currently on high rotation on MTV Base, along with having received spins on ETv, and other known music channels. Big ups to the man, he is indeed a huge source of inspiration.
On the other side the Mighty Records Crew, headed by, amongst some of his accolades, rapper/producer Benni B, have been well healthy when it comes to grinding hard. If you paid attention to this post, you will have an idea of who they are. The launch was apparently the best thing related to hip-hop in the country, so nuff shout to them. They pulled all the stops to ensure that the night went down in the minds of many as one to remember. It's quite evident even now when people talk about it that the night was a worthy one. What impressed me more was hearing how positively the artists on the bill responded to the manner in which they were treated. It is commonplace everywhere for stagings of this stature to be marred by maltreatment of performers, leaving one to wonder what the organisers' main intentions are. I have in my capacity as Core Wreckah, done work with Mighty Recs Crew as the stable is affectionately known. Check out the link below for a remix to one of their tracks (it features close to ten Lesotho emcees).
Radio is still holding its own down when it comes to supporting locally-grown content, though it seems some stations are doing more than others. It's all fair and well, as long as the ones lazing behind do not jump onto the bandwagon once this 'local' sound starts to make a real impact on the global platform. In my honest opinion, the Ultimate Fm (link) is topping a lot of frequencies in the afore-mentioned regard. It does worry me that certain people on radio deem it as doing one a favour when playing their songs. I never do get why this self-conceited mentality persists. Then again, maybe I shouldn't worry much, should I? As long as there is a platform then everything is well and proper.
Another post shall be coming soon. For now, big yourself up if you've ever stumbled upon this blog and bothered to read the content.
PS. Imma post some trax up in due time. Bandwidth constraints prohibit me from doing so now